May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday Challenging Inequities – 5 Incarceration and Detention Rev. Dr. Twining F. Campbell

Posted on May 30, 2021 @ 1:16 pm
Here is the link for today’s service.
Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell welcomes the community to worship on this Trinity Sunday and Memorial Day weekend as he and Rev. Dr. Martha Campbell lead everyone in the Call to Worship.
David Reeder is welcomed to our service as he plays the Prelude: “Tell Me the Story of Jesus” by Sweney.
After the Westminster Chimes, Pastor Twine and David Reeder lead the community in singing: “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!”
Pastor Martha shares the announcements and Prayer concerns then leads the congregation in prayer with The Lord’s Prayer and leads everyone in The Affirmation of Faith.
David Reeder plays the Anthem, “Holy Spirit, Rain Down” by Fragar.
The Prayer of Illumination and the Bible reading from Acts 16:25-34 follow, then Pastor Twine presents the sermon: Challenging Inequities-5: Incarceration and Dentention. In the Bible lesson Paul and Silas were wrongfully incarcerated because they looked different, had a different faith, and different backgrounds from the people of Philippi. Unjust incarceration still happens today. The members of Westminster believe we can make a difference by challenging and eliminating the systems that prevent some people from enjoying the benefits others enjoy.
The service closes with the Charge, Benediction and Postlude: “In Christ There Is No East or West” by Wood played by David Reeder. At the conclusion of the service there is a short video of Remembrance for the members and family members of our congregation and all who have served in the Armed Services.