August 22, 2021 Follow Jesus-4 Follow Jesus in Making Disciples Rev. Dr. Twining F. Campbell

Posted on August 23, 2021 @ 4:25 pm

Our worship service this week, Sunday, August 22nd,  will be both in-person and live streamed at 10:00, on our YouTube Channel: Westminster Presbyterian Church Pasadena, CA.

Here is the link for this week’s service.

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Rev. Dr. Martha Campbell welcomes the community to worship then Mr. Roger Greene plays the Prelude: “O Dass Ich Tusend Zungen Hatte,” by Theodore Beck and “O That I Had a Thousand Voices” by Gerhard Krapf.

After the Westminster Chimes, Pastor Martha leads the community in the Call to Worship and we join in singing the fourth stanza of the Hymn No. 434: “Today We All Are Called to Be Disciples.”

Pastor Martha then shares the Announcements, Prayer concerns and leads the congregation in prayer followed by The Lord’s Prayer.  As we work at getting “back to normal” we pass the peace by Greeting Each Other in Place.   When we finish greeting each other we come back together to join in The Affirmation of Faith.

Roger Greene plays the Anthem: “Alleluia!  Sing to Jesus” written Mark Hayes.

Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell leads us in the Prayer of Dedication.  Pastor Twine then offers the Prayer of Illumination, the Bible reading from Matthew 28: 16-20 and presents the sermon: Follow Jesus by Helping Would-Be Disciples.  In this final sermon of our series, we consider the end of Matthew’s Gospel: “…they worshiped Jesus but some doubted.”  To become disciples we all have to work through our doubts to belief.

The service closes with the Charge, Benediction and the Postlude: two parts of “Christus, der Ist Mein Leben” by Johan Pachelbel and Johan G. Walther, played by Roger Greene on the Westminster pipe organ.

Our services are filmed by Amy Szilas under the direction of Robert Smith and are available on our webpage ( and our Facebook and YouTube pages (Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA).