April 18, 2021 The Third Sunday of Easter Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell

Posted on April 18, 2021 @ 1:24 pm
This is the Third Sunday of Easter as we continue to bask in the joy of Easter morning.
Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell welcomes everyone to the Westminster Community and then leads the Call to Worship with Rev. Dr. Martha Campbell.
Dr. Imre Szilas guides us into our time of worship by playing “A Festive Kyrie,” by Hans Büchner for the prelude.  Then, following the Westminster chimes, we all join in singing the first stanza of “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound.”  
Pastor Martha thanks Ginger Loesch for decorating the sanctuary and Robert Smith for all of his filming then shares the prayer concerns and leads us all in the Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer.  After a brief musical interlude Pastor Martha also leads us in the Easter Affirmation.
The anthem this week features Roni Yadao singing “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound.”
Pastor Twine leads the community in the Prayer of Illumination and reads the scripture lesson from Luke 19:1-10 – the story of Zacchaeus.  Pastor Twine’s sermon considers how easy it is to get lost but reminds us that, while God will never stop searching for us, God will never force us to believe or adopt a faith we don’t want.
Pastor Twine thanks everyone for worshiping with us then pronounces the Charge and Benediction.  The service concludes with Dr. Imre Szilas playing the postlude – “Fugue in E minor” (The Wedge) by J.S. Bach.
Our services are available on our website (wpcpas.org) and our Facebook and YouTube pages (Westminster Presbyterian Church Pasadena, CA) or, if you contact the church, we will send the links directly to you by email.